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Strategi Jitu Memahami Simple, Compound, Complex And Compound Complex Sentences

Berikut ini akan saya sajikan penjelasan singkat mengenai pembahasan sederhana daripada SIMPLE, COMPOUND, COMPLEX AND COMPOUND COMPLEX SENTENCES. setelah paham materinya jangan lupa kerjakan latihan soal dibawah!

Berdasarkan struktur klausanya, kalimat bisa kita kelompokkan menjadi: (a) simple sentence. (b) compound sentence, (c) complex sentence, (d) compound complex sentence.

A.Simple Sentence
Simple sentence (kalimat sederhana) adalah kalimat yang hanya mengandung satu main clause saja. Pola kalimatnya biasanya: S + V (+ O/C/A); seperti contoh berikut ini:

- The girl laughs.
- She writes a letter.
- He spoke English very well.
- She had to go out last night.
- He has fallen in love again.

Kalimat berikut ini pun adalah simple sentence, kata yang dicetak miring merupakan finite verb atau kata kerja utama (kata kerja pertama setelah subject), sedangkan kata yang dicetak tebal adalah nonfinite verb (kata kerja lain yang terdapat setelah finite verb):

- One of the most populer hobbies among students, apart from going to the cinema, reading and dancing, iscamping.
- I have read all kinds of books, from poems to novels by the great British writers.
- During the week she always got up fairly early.
- The foundation israising money for children deformed with birth defects.
- The animal cowering in the corner wasrescued.

B. Compound Sentence

Compound sentence (kalimat majemuk setara) adalah suatu kalimat yang mengandung dua atau lebih main clause, yang biasanya ditandai oleh pemakaian coordinate conjunction (and, but, or, for, yet, both - and , either - or, neither – nor, not only – but also atau not only – but – as well) di antara main clause tersebut. Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:
(1) She has been walking all day and her feet are sore.
(2) I hav three pigeons and I have three cats.
(3) He used to come by bus but now he was cycles.
(4)They are poor but they are honest.
(5) Give me the money or I’ll kill you.
(6) If you would come and I would not be there, call on my office.
(7) She was ill, yet she go to the campus.

Pada Kalimat (2) dan (4) dalam contoh di atas, subject klausa keduanya bisa dihilangkan/dipendekkan.
Jadi kalimatnya sebagai berikut:
(2) I have three pigeons and three cats.
(4) They are poor but honest.

Kadang-kadang compound sentence tidak memakai coordinate conjunction, tetapi sebagai gantinya kita menggunakan punctuation (tanda baca):

(1) Man proposes, God disposes.
(2) I came, I saw, I conquered.
(3) I couldn’t work in a noisy place; I am a lone wolf.
(4) Last month we were not living in Bandung: we were living in a remote village.

C. Complex Sentence
Complex sentence (kalimat majemuk bertingkat) ialah kalimat yang mengandung satu main clause dan satu atau lebih subordinate clause. Subordinate clause ini biasanya dihubungkan kepada main clause oleh subordinate conjunction (what, who, when, where, that, so that, if, because, until, dsb.)

Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:
(1) He sold his car when the price was expensive.
(a) He sold his car: main clause.
(b) When the price was expensive: subordinate adverb clause of time; yang menerangkan sold di (a).

(2) She says she has come to help you because she has heard that you are planning to put up new shelves.
(a) She says: main clause
(b) she has come to help you: subordinate noun clause; sebagai object dari says di (a).
(c) because she has heard: subordinate adverb clause of reason; yang menerangkan has come di (b).
(d) that you are planning to put up new shelves: subordinate noun clause; sebagai object dari has heard di (c).

D.Compound Complex Sentence
Compound complex sentence ialah kalimat yang mengandung dua atau lebih main clause (yang biasanya digabungkan oleh coordinate conjunction) dan satu atau lebih subordinate clause (yang dihubungkan kepada main clause oleh subordinate conjunction). Perhatikan contoh berikut ini:

(1) She pushed and pulled, but because it was swollen with the rain, she could not open the wooden door.
(a) She pushed: main clause.
(b) and (she) pulled: main clause.
(c) but she could not open the wooden door: main clause.
(d) because it was swollen: subordinate adverb clause of reason; yang menerangkan could not open di (c).

(2) Her mother went to the market but Agnes stayed as she was ill.
(a) Her mother went to the market: main clause.
(b) but Agnes stayed: main clause.
(c) as she was ill: adverb clause of reason; yang menerangkan stayed di (b).

Exercise 1: Choose the letter of the word or group of words that best completes the sentence.
1. Kennedy ____to the market.
(A) but
(B) with
(C) when
(D) went

2.Sarah and Bob ____ the bills.
(A) are
(B) is
(C) is paying
(D) are paying

3.The pizza ______ delicious.
(A) to
(B) smells
(C) smell
(D) small

4.She is pretty ______I am handsome.
(A) but
(B) and
(C) yet
(D) for

5.Steven ______ for the train, but the train was late.
(A) wait
(B) waited
(C) waiting
(D) waist

6.The plan was arrived right on schedule, so ______.
(A) I was late
(B) cool
(C) I was not late
(D) good

7.Should we start class now, _____ we wait for everyone to get here first?
(A) they should
(B) or should
(C) for should
(D) should they

8.I did not see them at the station _____ Mary and Samantha arrived at the bus station before noon
(A) and
(B) Because
(C) or
(D) for

9.Because the soup was too cold, ________ it in the microwave
(A)Because I warmed
(B)  I warm
(C) Because
(D) I warmed

10.Among human chromosomes, the Y chromosome is unusual ___ most of the chromosome does not participate in meiotic recombination.
(A )in
(B) so
(C) and
(D) in that

Selamat belajar dan teruslah berlatih!!!

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