Various Rare Breast Cancer You Have To Aware, Which One Is The Most Dangerous?
Breast cancer is one of the cancers that claimed many lives of women in Indonesia. According to the Breast Cancer Infodatin released by the Indonesian Ministry of Health in 2016, the female mortality rate from breast cancer in Indonesia reached 17 cases per 100,000 residents. Not many people know that one woman with another may have a different type of cancer. In fact, there are many types of breast cancer in the world you have to know.
That's why it's important for every woman to detect their risk as early as possible. By getting an early diagnosis, you will find out more quickly what type of breast cancer you have so that the treatment will be more targeted and effective.
Various types of breast cancer that you need to aware
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Breast cancer arises when cancer cells grow from abnormal tissue in the lobules (mammary glands), ducts (breast ducts), and connective tissue. If cancer cells remain in their original location, they do not break and spread, so this type of cancer is called noninvasive or in-situ cancer. But when the cancer cell has spread and attacks the surrounding tissue, it is called invasive (malignant cancer).
Based on the two characteristics above, the type of breast cancer is further divided into:
In situ breast cancer (not malignant)
Ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS)
Ductal carcinoma in situ is a type of breast cancer that first begins in the ductal tissue. Ductal carcinoma is considered the most common precancerous condition.
Ductal carcinoma in situ is not life-threatening and is very treatable. But if it's too late to get treatment, it can develop into invasive breast cancer.
Lobular carcinoma in situ
Lobular in situ carcinoma is also known as lobular neoplasia. These carcinoma cells do not actually include cancer but look like cancer cells that grow in the breast lobules (tissue that produces milk).
Invasive breast cancer (malignant cancer)
Invasive ductal carcinoma
Invasive ductal carcinoma is the most common type of breast cancer. Invasive ductal carcinoma covers about 80 percent of cases of invasive breast cancer.
This type of cancer starts from cancer cells in the milk ducts which then malign to break through the walls of the duct and eventually attack other nearby breast tissue. From there, cancer cells can spread to other parts of the body through the lymph system and bloodstream.
Invasive lobular carcinoma
Invasive lobular carcinoma is the second most common type of breast cancer after invasive ductal carcinoma. This type of cancer refers to cancer that starts in the breast lobule (milk production) and then attacks other breast tissue nearby.
Invasive types of lobular carcinoma are more common in women aged 55 years and above. In addition, 1 in 5 women who experience this type of cancer in both breasts. Cancer of invasive lobular carcinoma can also spread to other organs.
Invasive lobular carcinoma is usually more difficult to detect through physical examination or imaging such as mammography compared to invasive ductal carcinoma.
Rare breast cancer
Inflammatory breast cancer
Inflammatory breast cancer causes the breasts to swell and redden. This type of breast cancer occurs due to cancer cells blocking the lymph vessels in the skin.
Inflammatory breast cancer tends to grow and spread rapidly. In addition, the symptoms can also worsen in a matter of days or even hours.
Besides swelling and redness, you will also experience thickening of the skin which causes the breasts to look thicker and rough.
Paget's disease (breast nipple cancer)
Paget's disease is a rare type of breast cancer that specifically attacks the nipples and areola (the brown area around the nipple).
Symptoms of Paget's disease can be very similar to an eczema rash because it causes the skin around the nipple to become very dry. In addition, the nipple can also bleed or yellow fluid with itching or burning.
Paget's cancer usually affects only one nipple and tends to be associated with ductal carcinoma in situ.
Phyllodes tumor
Phyllodes is a rare breast tumor that develops in the connective tissue of the breast. Most of these tumors are not dangerous, but 1 in 4 cases can be malignant. This condition generally affects women in their 40s.
Breast Angiosarcoma
This type of cancer is very rare. The numbers are only less than 1 percent of all breast cancer cases. Angiosarcoma appears first in cells lining blood vessels or lymph vessels in the breast, and attacks the tissue or skin of the breast.
Breast cancer angiosarcoma usually occurs due to radiation exposure to the breast.
Types of breast cancer based on the subtype
Some types of breast cancer can be triggered by excessive levels of estrogen and / progesterone in the body. So besides looking at the potential aspects of its spread, the types of breast cancer can also be grouped into 3 main subtypes based on three genetic markers (estrogen, progesterone, and protein receptors) that appear during biopsy examinations. This genetic marker is called HER2. B
Breast cancer positive receptor hormone (luminal)
Jennifer Specht, MD, an oncologist from Seattle Cancer Care Alliance in the United States revealed that the increase in the hormone estrogen can trigger the growth of breast cancer cells. If the results of biopsy tests report that you have a positive excess estrogen, then the type of cancer you have is strongly suspected is breast cancer hormone receptor positive (luminal) and most likely will be treated with hormone therapy.
HER2-positive breast cancer
HER2-positive breast cancer is a type of cancer that has too many copies of a protein called human epidermal growth factor receptor 2 (HER2).
HER-2 breast cancer is among the most common among most women. This type of cancer can include cancer positive or negative hormone receptors.
Triple negative breast cancer
Triple-negative breast cancer is the cause of about 17% of total breast cancer cases. This type of breast cancer is the most aggressive because of the negatives of estrogen, progesterone, and also HER-2.
Usually, this type of cancer is more common in premenopausal women and women with the BRCA1 gene mutation (cancer-carrying gene).
By knowing cancer hormone receptors and HER2 status, the doctor can decide to determine the right treatment for the type of cancer you have.
This article will be continued in discussing about breast cancer.
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