Contoh Format Email untuk mencari pembimbing thesis Master by research / PhD
Bagi anda yang berniat untuk melanjutkan studi di luar negri baik master maupun doktoral, mencari pembimbing tesis adalah suatu hal yang wajib sebelum anda berangkat ke negara tujuan tersebut (bagi yang ngambil by research). Biasanya, sebelumnya harus sudah ada kontak komunikasi by email tentang apa rencana studi, research proposal, dan beberapa dokumen yang perlu dilampirkan. Nantinya jika anda sudah di approve oleh si calon pembimbing, maka anda dinyatakan siap untuk lanjut belajar sebagai mahasiswa bimbingan.
Nah berikut ini akan saya share format email yang bisa dijadikan contoh untuk dikirim kepada calon professor pembimbing anda. Jangan lupa cari tahu dulu apa interest dari si professor pembimbing (sesuaikan dengan passion thesis anda), pastikan anda bertanya pada professor yang tepat di bidangnya. terahir, lampirkan pula dokumen tambahan seperti scan certificate Toefl atau IELTS, CV, dan certificate tambahan lain jika perlu. Oke langsung saja berikut format email nya:
Format of Email for Master/PhD
Dear Professor (write Full Name),
Dear/Respected Dr. (Full Name), [write this (if not Full Professor)]
Hope my email find you in good health. I am (write your own name) from (write country name , e.g., Indonesia) working as a (write your current position, e.g., Lecturer, Research Assistant, Lab Engineer etc. skip if not applicable) at (write the name of University, Organization where you’re working)
I am graduate---------------- (4 years) with majorsin ---------------- from one of the public (if not publicthen write only University) University of the country, -------University Name---------, Indonesia and (skip if you apply only for MS) have recently completed my Master of ---------- (2 years) in ----------------- with specialization in ---------------- at the ---------------------, Indonesia.
My bachelor final project was/is on (if apply for Master)/Master research thesis (include this if apply for PhD) in the domain of------------------- titledas “----------------------” was under co-supervision of supervisor ---------------- from University --------------------- and academic supervisor --------------
[Note: If paper published then follow the below para, if not then write I am working on paper titled…………………if still not applicable then write about your MS thesis]
In parallel to my thesis work I have published a conference Journal papers (If applicable. otherwise write your internship projectsexperience) or in the same domainof ----------- as a first author or other in ---------.--------. My journal paper ---------------- as a first author is under final review in ------------.
Nowadays, I am writing a research paper titled……………..based on my Master thesis and hoping to submit it soon. I have 'A' in Master research thesis and have a valid IELTS score of ------- overall. (If applicable otherwise skip IELTS)
I am lookingto start my MS/PhD at … (write University name) on the topictitled………….. After thorough long search I found you that you are working in my interested area i.e.,.….write area. I want to join your research group and ready to be a part of your ongoing projects.
I am attaching my CV, Motivation letter and abstract of Master thesis along with this email. I will wait for your kind response.
With Regards,
Write your Full Name
NOTE: If the some project or PhD positions are advertised then follow below para instead of above.
In your website I have found that there is an advertised PhD positions in the area of ------------------------- under your supervision. I have read couple of publications -------------------- on your ongoing project. The advertised PhD positionon the topic “-------------------------” matchesmy research interestand is in parallel to my research work. I look to start my PhD at the -----------University on the advertised topic under your supervision. I would be happy if I could join your team and if you too could consider me a potential candidate for the advertised position.
I am attaching my CV, Motivation letter and abstract of Master thesis along with this email.
I want to pursue my career in research and academia in field of --------------- after my PhD in future. I will wait for your kind response.
With Regards,
Write your Full Name
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