My personal view about UNBK
Recently Indonesian students have just passed their final examination using computer based examination (UNBK). Before the government using UNBK in Indonesia, it was firstly launched in 2014 for SMP Indonesia in Singapore and Kuala Lumpur as the trial. After having the result, The Ministry of Education was satisfied enough and made decision to implement UNBK in some chosen schools.
Second, this online system can minimize cheating among the students. The system is totally unique than before. The uniqueness lies in more varied questions and the question will be different for every students. This will make students more independent when they work on the examination.
Third, the questions package will be safer. If we remember the various cases of leaking problems during UN exam in different areas, it occurred at the stage of printing or distributing. One of the reasons why the government applies UNBK is to minimize the leak. Indeed, there is still the possibility of the hacking system by hackers, but I believe the government certainly has created a good security system and a strong firewall.
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