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5 Things You Can Do With Cotton Bud For Beauty Care

A cotton bud is one of the products we often use to clean the ears. With small size, known to be able to reach certain angles. However, besides being useful for cleaning the ears, this product also holds many benefits for beauty needs!
so many things we can do with a cotton bud

If you curious about what benefits you can get from this tiny product, then keep scrolling!

It can be used like a Spoolie

If you lose a spoolie, don't be panic, huh! The reason is, you can apply the cotton bud instead. The results obtained are even as good as using spoolie. With the fibers contained in the cotton section, making the cotton bud quite effective in making the appearance of your eyebrows look more natural.

To massage the eyebrows

Still related to eyebrows, if you don't have an eyebrow massager, just use a cotton bud as an alternative. The function of the eyebrow massage itself will be felt by you who have too many eyebrows and unruly. 

How to do it is quite easy. You only need to dip the cotton bud into olive oil, then massage directly in one direction on the eyebrow. Do this every day before bed to get healthier eyebrows.

Cleansing Eye Makeup

Even though the eye area is classified as the most sensitive part, it is actually the area that often gets the heavy portion when we use the makeup.

In addition to eyeshadow, the eye area also often comes into direct contact with mascara and waterproof eyeliner which requires extra effort when cleaning it.

Cleaning eye makeup by wiping it using cotton is actually okay, as long as you do it in one direction without pressure. If you want to clean the eye area in a safer way, use a cotton bud. The ability of this tool to reach narrow angles in the eye area is known to be able to clean the area optimally.

For Tidy up the Lipstick

Usually, to get the perfect lip shape we only use two products, namely lip liner, and lipstick. However, what if we don't have a lip liner in the makeup pouch? Relax, you can start it by filling your lips using your favorite lipstick. After that, trim the edges of the lips with a cotton bud to get the perfect lip shape.

Wiping Watery Eyes

If you have watery eyes problem usually the eyes often runny when experiencing direct contact with eye makeup products, one of which is eyeliner. Well, instead of wiping it with a tissue that actually risks damaging the makeup around the eyes, it's better to use just a cotton bud. With a small shape, the cotton bud can wipe away tears without damaging the makeup.

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