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The Easiest Way To Prevent Seafood Allergies For Children

Seafood is a favorite food of many people because of its delicious and appetizing taste. But unfortunately, there are some people who cannot enjoy it because they experience seafood allergies. Every allergy certainly can be cured, but can this seafood allergy be prevented since childhood? Here's the explanation.

Can seafood allergies be prevented?

Allergies can be caused by many things, one of which is because of eating seafood. According to the Australian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA), about 1 percent of the world's population has seafood allergies. In fact, the risk of this allergy can increase by about 20 percent as you get older.

Allergic causes by seafood come from histamine substances in the seafood. The histamine content in fish, shrimp, squid, shellfish, crabs, and other marine animals is very high, especially if it's not guaranteed the freshness.

In addition, proteins in shellfish and other seafood tend to be the same and provide the same allergic response. That is, if you have a shrimp allergy, then you will usually experience the same allergic reaction after eating shellfish, crabs or lobster.

Usually, itchy skin or a rash that appears as a result of seafood allergy can be cured with itchy ointment or oral antihistamine drugs. But the question is, could this type of allergy be prevented as early as possible?

Even though you have an allergy history, you can still prevent the allergy from recurring later. Yes absolutely, you can also prevent seafood allergies as early as possible.

Moreover, not all cases of food allergies will definitely be passed from parents to children. This means that if you have allergies to seafood, then your child will not necessarily have the same allergy. So, there is still hope for you to prevent allergies in your little one.

How to prevent seafood allergies?

One of the easiest ways to prevent allergies in children is to do a skin prick test. Through this test, you will know how much risk your child has the same type of allergy you have.

If your child is at high risk of having allergies to seafood, don't let your child touch or even eat any seafood. Whether it's shrimp, clams, crabs and other types of crustaceans.

baby eats seafood safely without afraid of allergy
Even though you have allergies to seafood, you can actually prevent your child from having the same allergies. Allergies due to heredity can be prevented or reduced risk through breastfeeding.

Reporting from an interview with Dr. Zakiudin Munasir, SpA (K), revealed that breastfeeding is the simplest and most effective way to prevent allergies in children.

If you don't want your child to get the same allergy, give exclusive breastfeeding and maximize it for up to two years to increase the child's immunity.

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