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Can I Take Medicine After Drinking A Cup of Coffee?

Coffee lovers
Have you ever taken medicine after drinking a cup of coffee? I Myself never do it. But then I have my own question, what if we drink the medicine using coffee? Do the doctors or medical expert allowed us to do this? So let's check it out my review about this problem.

You need to take medicine after drinking coffee, but is it safe?

Caffeine in coffee is a stimulant to stimulate the heart and brain to work faster than usual. That's why after drinking a cup of coffee you feel more focus.

However, caffeine can interfere with the process of absorption of drugs in the stomach and small intestine so that the work of the drug may be less effective in dealing with the disease you are experiencing.

Not only that. Taking medication immediately after drinking coffee can also cause a heartbeat to increase dramatically which is certainly not good for heart's health. Moreover, caffeine can last longer in the body than the drug itself. Even in severe cases, taking medication after drinking coffee can also trigger caffeine poisoning due to the interaction between drugs and caffeine.

These effects usually occur in antidepressant drugs, estrogen, blood thinners, quinolone antibiotics, and drugs for thyroid disorders and osteoporosis.

When should I take medicine after drinking coffee?

Try to give a break of 3-4 hours after drinking coffee if you are going to use certain drugs.

It is best to ask your doctor and pharmacist directly about the details of the safe time to drink coffee before or has taken medication. Because certain drugs require you to avoid coffee and other forms of caffeine (such as tea, energy drinks, and soda) in the last 24 hours to avoid unwanted side effects.

Before taking medicine, pay attention about this

In order for the drug to work optimally, it is important for you to read the rules for using drugs that are usually printed on the packaging label. Especially if you take medicine without a prescription that is sold in pharmacies or markets. You can examine how many doses you should use and when it is recommended to consume them.

In addition, find out whether the drug should be taken before or after meals. Moreover, make sure also if the medication you are using is in accordance with the disease you have.

Remember, taking medication not according to the rules of use can actually make your condition worse. So if necessary, ask the pharmacist or doctor if you are confused about how to use or the dose of the drug you are going to use.

Finally, take the best medicine with water. Not with coffee, tea, juice, milk, soft drinks, and etc. That's way, the process of absorption of drugs in the body is not inhibited so that you can recover quickly without worrying about the side effects.

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