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The Effect Of Smoking Dramatically Change Your 5 Appearances

The danger of smoking is very serious. For active smokers, they may think that this warning is not so serious, but trust me this information probably will change your mind.

The fact that cigarettes have made many people addicted, later on, this bad habit can make changes in your appearance. Not only does it cause chronic disease, but also the bad effect will affect your appearance without you realizing it. If you don't believe it?  Let's prove it through the following review!

Various effects of smoking on changes in appearance
heavy smoker tends to lose some appearances in their body
Lung disease, cancer, heart disease, impotence, even blindness are a few "end results" of smoking that are well known. The Effect Of Smoking Dramatically Will Change Your 5 Appearances, Well, do you realize that smoking habit can have other effects on the appearance from head to toe? Let's check together.

1. Hair loss and discoloration

hair loss
Who says hair loss is only caused by stress? In fact, the hobby of smoking cigarettes every day can also damage the health of your hair. This is because cigarettes contain toxic chemicals and free radicals that will weaken your hair cells and follicles.

In addition to making hair more fragile and easy to fall, active smokers also tend to experience faster hair discoloration than people who don't smoke.

2. Wrinkles and eye bags

an old man with wrinkle and eye bag
A study published by the American College of Chest Physicians, as cited in Science Daily, said that the majority of smokers had more difficulty sleeping soundly than those who did not smoke. In fact, if you smoke, then your daily sleep time is usually also not optimal.

Gradually, this will lead to the emergence of the typical side effects of lack of sleep in the form of eye bags and dark circles around the eyes. It doesn't stop there, even the chemicals contained in every cigarette can damage the structure of the skin as well as the blood vessels around your eyes.

Have you ever seen wrinkles or fine lines around your eyes? This is one of the effects of smoking on the skin.

3. Yellow teeth

Smoking will give you a great chance of dental and oral problems, such as oral cancer as the most severe side effect. However, do not underestimate the initial changes in the appearance of your teeth and mouth, namely the yellow color of the teeth.

In addition, a study from the Journal of Clinical Periodontology revealed that when you smoke you have a risk 6 times more likely to experience gum disease. If it is not prevented or treated as early as possible, problems with the gums can cause damage to the teeth until the teeth are dislodged.

4. Dull skin

Before you blame the sun as a cause of dull skin, firstly you have to know that smoking habits also have a share in it. Because, smoking indirectly will absorb important nutrients in the body such as vitamin C, which should have a function to protect while repairing damaged skin.

The nicotine content can also block the rate of blood flow, and carbon monoxide in cigarette smoke which easily mixes with oxygen in your skin. It doesn't take long, all the effects of smoking will affect dry and dull skin.

5. Looks older than your age

smoking makes your age older than it should be.
Whatever you and your skin care for, fine lines or wrinkles on your face will still appear if you still smoking. Yes, health experts also believe that smoking can accelerate aging. so active smokers generally look around 1.5-2 years older than their real age.

This is because the content of substances in cigarettes, including nicotine, will produce premature wrinkles on the face. Starting from the forehead, eyes, lips, to spread to the neck and chest.

6. Yellow nails

Not only makes your teeth look more yellow, the impact of other smoking on physical changes in the body is the color of the nails that are no longer pink but yellow. Again, this is due to the influence of harmful chemicals obtained every time you smoke cigarettes.

It is not too late for you to quit from smoking, you can read my simple tips here to quit from smoking. Enjoy your life without smoking.

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