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Various Types of Urine Tests For Kidney Diagnostic

There are various tests that can be conducted to measure how well the components in your body. Such as skin tests to detect allergies, blood tests, creatinine tests in the blood, and urine tests.

Urine tests can detect if there are something wrong/disorders of the body's organs. In addition, urine tests are also commonly used to test drugs (narcotics) in the blood. In order to understand more about urine tests, see further reviews below.

What is the urine test?
A urine test

As the name implies, urinalysis or urine test is a method of examination using urine (urine) to detect any disturbances in the body. Normally, healthy urine is identical to light yellow. The urine color will change if something wrong happens with the function of your body's organs.

Urinalysis is also one part of a routine health check. From the results of a urine test, then it will show the initial symptoms of a particular disease like kidney disease, liver disease, diabetes, and so on.

What is the function of a urine test?
The urine production process does not just happen suddenly, but involves the work of the kidneys, ureters, bladder, and urethra. All these parts are referred to the urinary tract with a role as a filter for body waste and regulating the balance of water, electrolytes, proteins, acids, and other substances in the body.

If there is damage to the body's components, it will automatically affect the content, volume, color, and texture of the urine. So, urinalysis does its job to assess changes in urine.

Some of the goals of urinalysis are:

Check the overall health of the body, because it is often part of a routine health check.
Helps diagnose certain medical conditions such as urinary tract infections (UTI), polycystic kidney disease, kidney failure, kidney inflammation, and others. Complaints of symptoms you experience, including abnormal abdominal pain, continuous back pain, pain when urinating, a blood in the urine, or other problems can also be detected.

Monitor disease progression as well as the treatment process, for example in kidney failure, diabetic nephropathy, urinary tract infections, and others.

Assess kidney function before surgery.
Monitor the development of abnormal pregnancies, including dehydration, preeclampsia, gestational diabetes, and so on.

What are the types of urine tests?
As long as the urinalysis takes place, your urine sample that has been placed in the container will be examined in the following ways:

Visual examination
Visual examination is done by observing the appearance of urine directly. Starting from the level of clarity, the presence or absence of odor, to the color of urine. A cloudy and smelly urine can indicate a serious problem in your body.

Microscopic examination
visual exam for the urine

Unlike the visual examination that detects directly, microscopic examination involves a microscope to observe urine more clearly. Important things that are observed further are:

Abnormalities in white blood cells (leukocytes), which indicate an infection.
Abnormalities in red blood cells (erythrocytes), are a sign of kidney disease, blood disorders, bladder cancer, blood disorders, and other medical conditions.
The presence of bacteria or yeast (fungi) as a sign of infection.
Crystals that indicate kidney stones.
Large numbers of epithelial cells can be signs of tumors, infections, kidney disease, and others.
If the amount of these components in the urine is too much, further investigation is needed to make sure.

Dipstick test
A dipstick test is a urine check using a thin plastic stick inserted into your urine sample. Plastic sticks will change color if it turns out there are certain substances with excessive levels contained in urine.

This method will help to detect a number of things, such as:

Acidity (pH), abnormal acidity indicates a problem with the kidneys and urinary tract.
Concentration or thickness of urine, the thicker the urine means the less fluid the body gets from drinks.
Protein, in large amounts of protein, indicates a disorder in the kidneys.
Sugar, generally indicates diabetes, but further examination is needed to confirm it.
Bilirubin, should be carried by the blood to be distributed to the kidney. The presence of bilirubin in urine signifies damage to the liver.
Blood, usually a sign of a disorder in the kidneys and bladder.

Urinalysis can be conducted by yourself or in combination with other examinations. The doctor will determine which examination suits your needs and your health conditions.

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