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5 Best Feng Shui For Your Newly Home

Feng shui is a belief between human relationships and their dwellings which has been believed by Chinese people since ancient times ago. It can bring health, prosperity, and many good things. Feng shui is also well known as the arrangement of buildings, spaces to objects to bring luck to the owner.

Then, what is the correct home feng shui? We will provide you with 5 best tips for feng shui in your new home.

What is Home Feng Shui?

Actually, house feng shui is an ancient topographical science from China that believes that the relationship between humans, heaven, and earth can be harmonious if humans are willing to accept positive energy (chi) and avoid negative energy.

These two energies can be influenced by the layout factor of our dwelling. For that reason, the feng shui of the house is often a guide in building a residence so that its residents can live a healthy and lucky life. So let’s find out the five best Fengshui for your new home.

1. Use a ‘lucky’ color

For the Chinese community, the gold color is considered to give positive energy. For that, use gold for good luck. It doesn't have to be all gold. You can give access to paint the room gold. If you want something more, gold decorations can be an alternative.

2. Put ‘symbol of fortune’ in the living room

The Chinese culture has a close relationship with animals. Animals are usually used as symbols in the zodiac grouping. In matters of fortune, the dragon animal is a symbol that is often used with fortune.

No wonder many people present a golden dragon statue in the middle of their room because it is believed to be one of the lucky things.

3. Spacious open but use minimal furniture

In modern society, a minimalist lifestyle does make life more concise. Especially if the room is spacious with minimalist furniture.

Logically, this condition makes us easy and free to move, without being filled with goods. The lack of furniture also makes it easier for us to take care of the goods.

4. Putting water flow in the room

Water is a symbol of fortune. This symbol is usually placed in the living room. Those who believe in feng shui, usually build or decorate water flowing in order to be lucky.

But on the other hand, giving a natural touch in the form of water flow in the room will give a sense of calm from the gurgling of water.

5. Installing indoor glass

In-home feng shui, glass or mirrors are believed to be transmitters of positive energy and carriers. So that a house that uses a glass deck can bring a lot of positive energy.

Beyond that, in terms of interior glass makes the room more decorative. The presence of glass also makes the house full of light, so it is healthier and saves electricity during the day.

With the knowledge of home Feng shui, it can be your consideration for building a house. Try to avoid what is prohibited, and understand the advice suggested. Hopefully, your house will have more positive energy and make its residents healthy and prosperous.

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