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Dermal Filler Injection, What is The Procedure Like?

There are many ways out there that can help you always look beautiful and exotic. One of them is by doing dermal filler. This facial treatment is popular because it is claimed to make us look more youthful without having plastic surgery. Are you interested in trying it?

injection area for dermal filler

Dermal filler or filler injection is one solution to fix certain areas which are needed. For example, disguising wrinkles and fine lines on the face, flattening the texture and smoothing the skin, and it can be used to eliminate scars.

You have to know that generally, the doctor takes 30 minutes to complete this action. The results of injections usually last around six months to a year.

What is the procedure like?

The procedure is done by injecting fluids such as hyaluronic acid or collagen, as well as synthetic substances such as silicon into the face that is considered problematic. For example: cheeks, nose, lips, chin, the area around the eyes, jaw, and others.

By injecting the liquid, the area of the face becomes more filled so that wrinkles that occur due to aging become obscured.

Different face areas require different types of fillers. Because each type of filler contains different functions and materials with different levels of durability. Please consult your doctor before doing this procedure.

But before starting to inject, the doctor will usually sterilize the area of the skin first, and continue with local anesthesia (can be topical or injection).

The dermal filler will be safe and durable if done by expert fillers. Dermal filler is safe if done by a dermatologist, cosmetic surgeon or beauty therapist who is competent and has an expert certificate in this beauty procedure.

Can everyone do a dermal filler?

treatment area for derma filler

Dermal filler can be done by all people over the age of 18 years. This beauty procedure is carried out according to indications, what is needed, and what is desired, so you must consult with your doctor first.

Someone is not allowed or recommended to do filler, if:
 Has an active infection in the area of the skin to be injected.
Have allergies or hypersensitivity reactions to filler material.
Have allergies to local anesthetics.

What should be done before and after doing a dermal filler?
plastic surgery preparation

Before you decide to inject fillers, always consult with your doctor first. This is done to avoid side effects or risks that might occur.

conducting derma filler can be safe if you consult with the specialist

After the procedure is complete, the doctor will give an antibiotic ointment to be applied to the area of the filler injection. If needed, doctors will also provide anti-pain medication.

In addition, your doctor will advise you not to touch, squeeze, or dress the area that has just been injected. This is done to avoid the migration or transfer of injected fillers.

Are there any possible side effects?
the question that should be known before plastic surgery

Same with other medical procedures, filler injections also have the possibility of side effects. Side effects can appear immediately after the completion of the procedure or only appear for some time.

Immediate side effects:
 In the injection area: swelling, redness, bruising, pain, itching, and infection
Allergic reactions or hypersensitivity: inflammation, dense nodules
Lump due to filler does not spread
Emboli in blood vessels

 Other side effects, which appear longer:
 Lumps in the form of nodules
Filler displacement.
Scar tissue.
Asymmetrical face

Therefore, it is important not to carelessly do this beauty procedure. Choose health facilities that are legal, trusted, and conducted by doctors who are competent and professional to reduce the risk of side effects.

Price of dermal filler in Indonesia

The price of filler injections in Indonesia can be vary depending on the type of filler and the brand you will use. If you are interested in doing so, you might need to spend around 4.5 to 6 million rupiahs (USD 400-500).

So please be wise in spending your money when doing dermal filler. If you think you really need it, doing dermal filler is so much better than conducting plastic surgery.

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